225 Gordons Corner Rd, 2H, Manalapan, NJ 07726 732-360-7005 Holisticprimecare@gmail.com
We offer IV infusion kits that contain minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.
Each kit is mixed in 1,000ml or 500ml of Normal Saline and infused over 40-90 min.
Price of each treatment - $100 -$120
We recommend using at least 4 treatments for the best results.
Infusion can be done every other week or once a month.
VitaminB1 (Thiamin): helps metabolize glucose to produce energy for the brain; it is indicated in hepatitis and alcoholism.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): helps lower triglycerides and may help with dementia and depression.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): can boost energy production and cellular metabolism; it can help with migraine, cancer, and iron deficiency.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid): helpful for depression, insomnia, heart disease, and immunity problems.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): critical for brain neurotransmitters, helps with glucose metabolism and immunity.
Glutamine: can improve endurance, build muscles, speed recovery from surgery, radiation, and stress.
Lysine: can block Herpes infections, reduce anxiety and pain, lower BP, and prevent osteoporosis.
Citrulline: improves blood flow and may help with BP, erectile disfunction, athletic performance.
Arginine: can help with wound healing, regulate immune response, decrease fat cells, maintain normal BP.
Ornithine: may help recover after exercise, improve sleep quality, help with liver disease, and wound healing.
Magnesium CL: used in managing alcoholism, asthma, high BP, diabetes, depression, muscle spasms, and seizures. The deficit is often undiagnosed.
Zinc: used for immunity support, can reduce symptoms of cold and flu and may help with cancer prevention, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Manganese: can be used for bone health and osteoporosis, may improve wound healing.
Copper: may help with anemia, low WBC, bone abnormalities, slow growth, abnormal cholesterol, loss of skin/hair color.